
AAJC 2017 annual report


This report was designed in collaboration with GRAPHEK for Asian Americans Advancing Justice | AAJC. Asian Americans have been part of the American story since its earliest days, and are now the U.S.'s fastest-growing racial group with the potential and power to shape our nation and the policies that affect us. Their mission is to advance civil and human rights for Asian Americans and to build and promote a fair and equitable society for all.

The concept behind this report uses line and depth to create a layered effect, symbolizing the many facets of AAJC. These facets include the five other organizations AAJC is affiliated with as well as the many platforms they advocate for in their mission. The layers also represent Asian Americans themselves: a multi-cultural and diverse people that are strong and empowered to advance equality and fairness in the US. Each layer group in the design will join to make up the flame in the AAJC logo.